About Us


San Leon Municipal Utility District, located in Galveston County, Texas, (the “District”), was created May 26, 1965, by House Bill 1082 Chapter 520, Acts of the 59th Legislature of the State of Texas. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 49 of the Texas Water Code, the District is empowered to purchase, operate and maintain all facilities, plants and improvements necessary to provide water, sanitary sewer service, storm sewer drainage, irrigation, solid waste collections and disposal including recycling, and to construct parks and recreational facilities for the residents of the District. The District is also empowered to contract for or employ its own peace officers with powers to make arrests and to establish, operate and maintain a fire department to perform all fire-fighting activities within the District. The Board of Directors held its first meeting on March 28, 1973, and the first bonds were sold on July 10, 1975.

District Map

Click Here for a PDF Version of the District Map

Board Members

The District is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of five (5) Board members elected by the registered voters of the District, who manage and supervise all affairs of the District. Board members must either own property within the District or be a registered voter within the District. Each Board member is elected to serve a staggered four (4) year term. The District’s current Board members are as follows:

  • Kenneth Bishop, President, Term Expiration: May 2028
  • Keith Gossett, Vice President, Term Expiration: May 2028
  • Robin Burke, Secretary, Term Expiration: May 2026
  • Sheryl Hayslip-Bahena, Treasurer, Term Expiration: May 2026
  • Curtis Anderson, Director, Term Expiration: May 2026

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